Friday, August 10, 2012

One Step, Two Step, Three Step Four

It seems our little Ari is on the verge of walking! Today she took four steps, we stood her back up and she took four more trying to get to Ava's stuffed animal.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A New Tooth For Ari

Well, we can see a third tooth is popping through for Ari...she has been a little grumpy, but overall she is a happy little girl. Her teeth seem to be coming in just like Ava's did when she was teething...bottom middle two first then one top of the upper teeth on the side (may resemble a vampire if the opposite side comes in before the front two).

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sweet Corn

Our family loves this time of the year for all of the wonderful food we can pick fresh from the garden. Ava loves sweet corn from Nana and Grandpa's garden, so tonight when she asked for a second piece of corn Ari grabbed it out of the container and took a bite. Ava was a great big sister and offered to share the last piece of corn with Ari.

Ari's first time eating fresh corn on the cobb
Ava's corn smile
Give me CORN!
I just love these two corn cuties!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ava's First Soccer Camp

All this week Ava has been participating in a soccer camp at the Solanco High School soccer fields coached by UK Soccer. All of the coaches are from the United Kingdom and spend their entire summer coaching 3 year olds through high school the fundamentals of soccer. The numbers were low for the squirts (3 & 4 year olds), so they combined the squirts with the nippers (5 & 6 year olds). Ava was one of three squirts amonst the rest of the nippers and she loved every moment of it.

Each day was filled with game style drills like fox and hound, fish and crabs in the sea and soccer ball roadway. They learned the very important rule of soccer GOOD FEET, BAD HANDS!

Ava really enjoyed Coach Joe who was so silly

The final day of camp the kids received a certificate. Ava is looking forward to next summer, so she can stay an hour longer and go on a bathroom break with the nippers.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Stand Up Ari

This morning Ari pulled herself up to a standing position using Ava's recliner Ava was so excited she got out her Build-a-Bear cell phone to snap a picture!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ari's in the Army

Well, Ari army crawled across the living room to get to Ava's plastic case of play jewelry.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ava's 4 Year Checkup


3'7" (97th%) and 42 lbs (98th%), healthy, happy and best news of the entire appointment....NO SHOTS!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Roll Over Ari

Yay....Ari rolled over this morning! The little stinker didn't give us any warning so we didn't capture this special moment on film.