Sunday, November 29, 2009


Are you not suppose to lick the jelly off first?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Trimming the Tree

Tonight we decorated our Christmas tree and the rest of the house with beautiful holiday decorations. My job was to hand the ornaments to Mommy...some of the lighter ornaments I was able to hang on the tree. Don't worry I was very careful to not break any. After we were finished decorating I sat on Mommy's lap to admire our work.

Little helper

I love helping Mommy and Daddy with chores around the house. I enjoy vacuuming, but it scares me if I accidentally turn the vacuum on. I love helping Grandpa feed the animals and work in the greenhouse.

Don't worry we are all about safety..I make sure to wear proper safety gear.

Christmas Tree Time

This morning we went to pick out our Christmas tree...this was my first time helping pick out a tree. It was pretty windy outside, but I still had fun looking at all of the trees and chasing Daddy!

You can really work up an appetite picking a tree!


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope all our friends and family have a Happy Thanksgiving! Here are a few pictures from our Thansgiving day.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Race Day!

Today Mommy competed in the Philadelphia Half Marathon. Daddy went with her to the start line and then met back up with us to wait for Mommy to run by. We had a good time watching all the runners and mascots that were there to cheer on the runners.

Mommy finished the race in 2:26....that's four minutes under her goal of 2 hours and 30 minutes. She looks forward to running another half marathon and to competing in Philadelphia again in 2010.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Philadelphia Zoo

I love the zoo....I was so excited to point out some of my favorite zoo animals and to meet a few new ones which I had never seen before today. I enjoyed the Philadelphia Zoo and look forward to someday visiting the Baltimore Zoo!

My First Train Ride

This morning Daddy, Grandpa, Nana, Mommy and I took a train to Philadelphia. This was my first time riding on a train....I enjoyed looking out the window and watching everything go by us. I fell asleep on the short walk from the train station to the hotel.

While Nana and Mommy took a taxi cab to pick up Mommy's race packet, Daddy, Grandpa and I walked to the zoo (I didn't walk, I took a short nap in my stroller) Here's a picture of Mommy with her bib number for her 1st half marathon.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hayride 2009

Every year we have a hayride and bonfire at Nana and Grandpa's farm. Mommy didn't take too many pictures this year, so here are the only pictures from the entire night. Most of the time I wanted to be in the barn with the cows or playing in the straw on the wagon.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I love surprising people with a Ta-Da after I do day while Grandpa and I were working in the greenhouse I decided to walk across a 2x4 like a balance beam. Once I made it to the end of the beam I put my hands up and told Grandpa "Ta-Da"!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This is What Happens.....

When Emily brings over a box of her clothing and I decide to dress myself. A dress over my clothing and a pair of shorts become my hat.

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Aunt Tiffany! Good luck on your test and enjoy a piece of cake for me!
xoxo Ava

Monday, November 9, 2009

Meds are Kicking In

My antibiotics are kicking in and I am starting to feel better. Not quite 100% yet, but on the mend.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Another Cold....

Cold season is no FUN! I have been fighting a cold for a week now and it doesn't seem to be getting any off to the doctor! Diagnosis.....sinus infection and bronchitis = an antibiotic for 7-10 days.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy 19 Month Birthday

Mommy told me today that we seemed to cruise through my 18th month way too fast, so I need to hit the brakes and slow it down a bit!

11/01/09 - I love driving the car while Mommy and Daddy shop!