Sunday, January 31, 2010

Back at home

Nothing better than a cup of hot chocolate after a fun filled morning


What do you mean high heels are not the best shoes for riding a bike?

Carnival Fun

This morning Mommy and Daddy took me to an indoor carnival with food, games and lots of animals. Mommy and I rode an elephant and I rode a pony by myself. I had the chance to feed some of the animals, but wasn't too sure about getting that close to them.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Thank you Italy

Today we received a box filled with Christmas goodies from Martina, Renalto & Daniella (traveled all the way from Italy)!

Feeding my baby in her new highchair

A pretty new dress

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Talking in full sentences

Tonight when Daddy picked me up I told him "Grandpa's in the kitchen"

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Celebrating Grandpa's Birthday

Tonight we headed over to Aunt Amy and Uncle Rick's house to celebrate Grandpa's Birthday (January 24th). We dined on Chinese food and chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting.

Anna and I were reading to Grandpa

We missed you...Nana, Emily and Uncle Greg!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Too much hot chocolate

A fun day with Nana and Grandpa, coloring at the counter and hot chocolate = falling asleep at the counter.

Sorry need to stay here

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Christmas #4 - Nanny Snyder's House

January 16th

Tonight we celebrated our last Christmas celebration at Nanny Snyder's House. We had dinner, dessert, visited and opened presents.


Serving everyone coffee or tea

Working on a puzzle with Daddy

Anna and Adam

Emily working on her interpretive dance routine

Hugs for Grandpa

Surprise Visit

January 16th

Today Daddy was in helping Grandpa tear down a barn....we decided to make a surprise visit!

Surprise Daddy

Playing with the CD case at Nana's house

Anna Playdate

January 14

Tonight Mommy and I went over to Anna's house for dinner and to watch Anna so her parents could go to a meeting. We had a great time playing with Anna's toys, watching Elmo and running around the house.

This episode of Elmo was a real nail biter

Discussing what to build

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Good boy Toby

January 10th

Toby is such a good boy....he is very gentle taking food from my hand.

Nanny Snyder's 80th Birthday

January 3rd
Today we gathered at Nana and Grandpa's farm to celebrate Nanny Snyder's 80th Birthday (January 4th). IT was an afternoon of full of family, food, cake and games.

Playing football

Aunt Abby, Emily, Anna and I enjoying a roll the ball game

Anna hamming it up

Singing Happy Birthday to Nanny

Group hug

Aunt Trish and Emily

Where's my cake?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Vote: To End SMA

Dear Friends, Family and anyone who follows our blog,

I follow a blog for a beautiful little girl named Gwendolyn Strong who is 27 months old and living with a terminal illness called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). Children with SMA lack a gene in their DNA that keeps the motor neurons thriving: Gwendolyn's body is completely paralyzed, she breathes from a machine, and eats from a tube. Her mind, however, is completely normal. Researchers at UC Irvine are REALLY close to a cure for SMA, but they need funding to push it towards FDA approval. It is so exciting (yet frustrating) to know how close it is!

JP Morgan Chase Bank has committed to donating $5 million dollars to non-profit organizations, $1 million of which was already distributed in December. Through a Facebook voting system, the top 100 non-profits were awarded $25,000 in cash. The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation was one of these winners, and 100% of the funds were sent directly to UC Irvine's SMA research team. Next up is the final round of voting for the BIG prize: $1,000,000. One million!! This voting is all done through Facebook, and starts on 1/18/2010 and ends on 1/22/2010.

Imagine this: $1,000,000 towards SMA research could actually end this disease. Not "get the ball rolling" on research, not "hope for a cure," but actually end it. And, most importantly in my eyes, it could save Gwendolyn's life. The research that is sooooo close to FDA approval is one that could affect babies who already have SMA (like Gwendolyn), and could completely remove them from symptoms. Can you imagine little Gwendolyn being able to run and play without a breathing machine and the joy this would bring her parents, friends and family.

Here are some facts:

Dr. Kierstad (UC Irvine) has dedicated his life to spinal cord injuries. He has already successfully performed a lab experiment on mice that allowed the previously-paralyzed animals to literally get up and walk. He is now focusing on SMA research, which is closely related to spinal cord injuries, muscular dystrophy's, ALS/Lou Gehrig's, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. It is his belief that a groundbreaking surgery (so close to FDA approval!) could allow the body to re-build the proteins that are missing in children with SMA. That means Gwendolyn has the potential to be symptom free! Forever!

Money is holding back a cure. Other diseases, such as breast cancer and AIDS, have massive amounts of funding and research behind them, but "cures" are still unknown. The "cure" for SMA is just around the corner, but nothing can be done until the funds are there to continue the research.

SMA is the #1 genetic killer of children under two years of age, and 1 in 40 adults (unknowingly) carry the gene to pass it on.

How can you help?

Voting is incredibly simple:

If you're already a member of Facebook:
1) Click Here (you might need to log in if you've not already)
2) Click on "Vote for Charity"
That's it! It'll give you the option of posting on your status that you voted (do it!! with a message to your friends!!). How easy is that?!

If you're not a member of Facebook yet:
1) Click Here and sign up for a (free) account.
2) Click on "Vote for Charity"
A box will appear that allows you to show your friends that you have voted. Even if you don't have any friends (yet), follow the instructions so your future friends will know!

And to help even further, please forward this post on to your friends or if you have a blog, do a posting on Gwendolyn. This is an effort sheerly driven by people voting: the GSF needs every single vote it can get.

Please don't ignore this and think your vote won't count.